Youth games postponement

Youth games postponement

In line with the president’s directives today, All Youth games and activities in and out of the church compound have been suspended until further notice. This is for your own safety. There has been a rising number of Corona virus cases in the country with Nairobi being among the most affected counties. We will keep...

April 16, 2021April 26, 2021by
Parish Annual General meeting to be held online.

Parish Annual General meeting to be held online.

As we all know, Church gatherings have been suspended as per the president’s orders. Our AGM meeting is scheduled for 21/06/2021. The current plans are to have the meeting online. We will be using zoom, here is the link  In case of any changes we will update you. David Mutune. Parish Chairman.

March 7, 2021April 26, 2021by
Youth choir: Call for membership

Youth choir: Call for membership

Shalom brothers and sisters, During a meeting held on 04/05/2021 between the youth leaders and the church leaders, A decision was made that a youth choir be formed, the choir will help the main church choir and act as a backup in case the main choir is not available. It was noted that the main...

March 3, 2021April 26, 2021by